2013年8月7日 星期三

南加大一年制職能治療碩士課程與畢業標準 (USC M.A. in Occupational Therapy (One-Year): Curriculum and Requirements)

USC M.A. in Occupational Therapy (One-Year): Curriculum and Requirements

  根據南加大職能科學與職能治療學系(USC Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy),一年制專業後職能治療碩士學程(One-Year M.A. in Occupational Therapy)規劃給已取得學士學位的職能治療師進修選擇,達到畢業標準的方式分作兩種,碩士班學生可依個人生涯規劃擇一。

(一)碩士論文 (Master's Thesis Option)
修課標準:六門(二十學分)核心課程(core courses)、四學分選修(electives)、四學分論文(Thesis (OT 594))

【秋季學期 (Fall Semester)】
OT 451 行為神經科學 Neuroscience of Behavior (4)
OT 504 健康促進與安適 Health Promotion and Wellness (2)
OT 508 當今臨床議題:成人與老化 Current Issues In Practice: Adulthood and Aging (2)
OT 581 實證治療之量性研究 Quantitative Research for the Practicing Clinician(4)
OT 594a 論文 Thesis (2 units)

【春季學期 (Spring Semester)】
OT 470 實證治療之質性研究 Qualitative Research for Evidence-Based Practice (4)
OT 580 領導者高峰 Leadership Capstone (2)
OT 585 進階職能科學專題討論 Advanced Seminar in Occupational Science (2)
選修 Elective (4)
OT 594b 論文 Thesis (2)

【秋季學期 (Fall Semester)】
OT 594z 論文 Thesis (2)

(二)綜合考試 (Comprehensive Examination Option)
修課標準:六門(二十學分)核心課程(core courses)、十二學分選修(electives)(可選擇三門選修課程或八學分選修課程及四學分外系選修)

【秋季學期 (Fall Semester)】
OT 451 行為神經科學 Neuroscience of Behavior (4)
OT 504 健康促進與安適 Health Promotion and Wellness (2)
OT 508 當今臨床議題:成人與老化 Current Issues In Practice: Adulthood and Aging (2)
OT 581 實證治療之量性研究 Quantitative Research for the Practicing Clinician(4)
選修 Elective (2-4)

【春季學期 (Spring Semester)】
OT 470 實證治療之質性研究 Qualitative Research for Evidence-Based Practice (4)
OT 580 領導者高峰 Leadership Capstone (2)
OT 585 進階職能科學專題討論 Advanced Seminar in Occupational Science (2)
選修 Elective (8-10)

  又,系上選修(Division Electives)如下:

OT 500abc 職能治療臨床問題 Clinical Problems in Occupational Therapy
OT 555 執行倡導模式之專題討論 Seminar: Implementation of the Advocacy Model
OT 560 學校系統 School-based Practice
OT 564 感覺統合理論 Sensory Integration Theory
OT 571 輔助科技 Assistive Technology
OT 572 人因工程 Ergonomics
OT 573 手部復健 Hand Rehabilitation
OT 574 促進職能之動作控制 Enhancing Motor Control for Occupation
OT 575 小兒至成人之吞嚥困難 Dysphagia Across the Lifespan: Pediatrics through Geriatrics
OT 576 通用設計 Universal Design
OT 578 健康照護工作者之治療性溝通 Therapeutic Communication for the Healthcare Practitioner
OT 583 生活型態再設計 Lifestyle Redesign
OT 584 遠距醫療之臨床應用 Clinical Applications of Telehealth Technologies in OT
OT 590 專題研究 Directed Research
OT 610 感覺統合失調 Sensory Integrative Dysfunction(四個月暑期訓練學程)

