2088年4月7日 星期三


【留學準備(Study Abroad Preparation)】

【USC入學程序(Registration) 】

【留學生活(Life in USC)】

USC OT歷屆臺灣學生部落格(USC OT Student Blogs)

USC深度旅遊景點(Tourism at USC)

付費或免費共乘快速車道(Express Lane)

Amazon Prime留學省錢大作戰(How to use Amazon Prime to save money)


取得生活型態再設計的免費健康服務(How to get Lifestyle Redesign Services in USC)

日光節約時間(Daylight Saving Time)

美國職能治療留學側寫(Study Occupational Therapy at USC)

想念臺北的理由(The reason why I miss Taipei)

LA與臺北(Los Angeles v.s. Taipei)

安穩的家(My Safe Home)

蜜年(Honey Year)

與USC OT的過去、現在和未來相遇(USC OT Reunion)

與歸國學人的交流(Discussion with OT who studied abroad)

【留學心情(Feelings in USC)】


親愛的老公(My Darling)

語言障礙(Lessons about language difficulties)

小小聯合國(The United Nations)

一輩子的朋友(A Potluck Party with Lifelong Friends)

開學第一天(Back to School)



Lifestyle Redesign在美現況及臺灣本土化(Current Status of Lifestyle Redesign in America and How to Do Localization in Taiwan)

駕駛評估與訓練(Driving and Community Mobility for Older Drivers)

動機式晤談法淺談(Motivational Interviewing)

人因工程專家(Ergo Life Solutions)

丹麥癌症復健(Cancer Rehabilitation in Denmark)

臨終照護職能治療(End of Life Care)

來自內在的聲音(Voices from Within)

多元性傾向的老年支持服務(Supportive services for LGBT seniors)

活出生命的深度——Sam Berns(Life According to Sam)

站立式移動輔具(Robotic Mobilization Device)

《Occupational Science for Occupational Therapy》

美國遠距醫療協會(American Telemedicine Association)

真實情境的日常生活功能訓練(ADL Training in Real-life Contexts)

職能治療國際學生碩士學程品質提升會議(Discussion of future OT MA-1 program)

可愛機器人教你程式語言(Bo & Yana)

輪椅專用電動車 Kenguru(An Electric Car Designed for People in Wheelchairs)

壓力管理拼貼畫(Collage for Stress Management)

通用設計樣品屋計畫啟動(The Plan of the Model House with Universal Design)

謝章優脊骨神經復健中心(John Hsieh)

遠距醫療期末報告(Wellness Coaching with Telehealth)

工作生活平衡獎(Work-life Balance Award)

通用學習(Universal Design for Learning)

畫出你的生活常規(Drawing Your Daily Routine)

美化心靈便利貼(Operation Beautiful)


在香港萌芽的理想(A Dream in Hong Kong)

分享快樂(Sharing Happiness)

不同情境下的職能活動(Occupations in Different Contexts)

又愛又恨的職能科學(Both Love and Hate Occupational Science)

USC校園內的動物治療(Animal Therapy in USC Campus)

生活型態再設計於家庭計劃的應用(Family Planning Module based on Lifestyle Redesign)

自閉症職能治療臨床博士(The OTD with autism spectrum disorders)

通用設計期末報告(Final Project Presentation of Universal Design)

身心完全投入的職能參與(Fully Engaged in Life--Engagement in Occupation)

轉銜嚮導(Transition Coaching)

簡啟文博士的及時雨(Help From Dr. Chi-Wen Chien)

美國職能治療商標(Trademark of OT)

職能治療國際論壇(Occupational Therapy International Forum in USC)

一筆改變職能治療界局勢的捐款(A Donation Establishes An Occupational Therapy Initiative In China)

OT未來與未來OT──掌握產業趨勢,充能臺灣OT人才!(Future OT in Taiwan)

Lifestyle Redesign®於美國南加大發展現況(Current Lifestyle Redesign® in USC)

Lifestyle Redesign在臺繼續教育(Continuing Education in Lifestyle Redesign in Taiwan)

與北投社區PGY醫師群分享Lifestyle Redesign!(Sharing Lifestyle Redesign with Physicians)

於新北市政府衛生局分享Lifestyle Redesign(Sharing Lifestyle Redesign in Department of Health, NewTaipei City Government)

於臺北市立聯合醫院仁愛院區分享Lifestyle Redesign(Sharing Lifestyle Redesign in Taipei City Hospital)

社區關懷醫師整合性照護試辦計畫顧問會議(Community Health Consultation Meeting)

Lifestyle Redesign於台美之多元發展(Sharing Development of Lifestyle Redesign in the U.S. and Taiwan)

於長庚職能治療分享生涯規劃(Sharing Life Planning)

2015 USC新生說明會(USC New Student Send Off in 2015)

Morning meeting with China Initiative!

USC OT Alumni Dinner in Taipei!

2015 Discover USC

Meet with future HSC Trojans!

2015 USC Global Conference


2017 USC新生說明會(USC New Student Send Off in 2017)

Trojan Baby

到美國讀職能治療(Study Occupational Therapy in the USA)

學術交流基金會美國教育資訊中心(EducationUSA Taiwan)

南加大職能治療線上說明會(A Virtual Information Session of Post-Professional OT MA program)

UD做學問(Universal Design in Taiwan)

美國USC全球校友網絡的啟發——培養孩子具備改變世界的領導力(Leadership in Children)

【全球職涯發展相關(Global Career Development Facilitation)】

2025年前將影響台灣的十大重要趨勢(Future Trends That Will Impact Taiwan)

組織影響員工投入的重要因素(The Key Factors Which Improve Employee Engagement)

以KPI創造未來(Great KPI to Build Your Future)

GCDF國際證照培訓班結業(Global Career Development Facilitation Team)


職場共通職能(Core Abilities in Career)

全球在地化(Global Localization)

利潤 vs. 工資(Profit versus Labor)

中國大陸未來市場(Future Market in China)

國際關係分析專家劉必榮教授(Expert in International Relations)

第24期碩士後國際行銷班結業(Graduated from Post-Master's International Marketing Program)

第24期碩士後國際行銷班迷你同學會(Mini Class Reunion)

2017 留學準備與國際趨勢分享會(Study Abroad Workshop)

南加州臺大校友會會長陳鈺(President of NTU Alumni Association of Southern California)

2017 留學準備與國際趨勢分享會小記(The Record of Study Abroad Workshop)